This story started with an idea to create something that would provide teenagers with additional coping skills to better deal with the difficulties of adolescence. As many entrepreneurs will tell you, the process of developing something is extremely difficult, lengthy and consuming. After quite a bit of research and development, we realized that the things we were working on could not only help children, but many others as well.
The idea was simple – what If we had an instruction book that could help us function better in the meantime when faced with the things that may have a negative effect on us, how beneficial could that be? As we continued the research and building a team, we grew more excited with our findings and the effect the idea was having on those who were implementing it.
In the midst of all this, I suffered a severe case of depression and anxiety. How did this happen? Why did this happen? What was the final straw? Was there one? Or was it just the totality of everything I had experienced by this point in my life?
I found myself lost, afraid, sad, anxious, depressed, hopeless, and helpless and having suicidal thoughts. The last panic attack found me at a shopping mall with what seemed like no way out. I felt like if the walls were closing in, my legs felt like they weighed 2 tons, I could not move to get out of the building.
I finally succumbed to all of this turmoil and got help. This led to sitting in front of a psychiatrist, as well as a psychologist, medications, support groups, disclosure to family and friends, and a journey through the mental health world that has brought me to today.
As a result of this therapeutic process, I continued to make improvements and felt better, eventually reaching a place where it is now a joy to experience life again. I sometimes call it “learning to live again”, because with small steps I returned to my old life of family and friends, activities, and to the enjoyment of life which once seemed would never be possible again.
Our original idea of helping teens has evolved into My Instruction Book® as I applied my experiences in therapy to the research we had been working on. I am now dedicating as much time as I can to teaching others about these findings along with the experts who have been an integral part of this journey. My Instruction Book® is one of a series of tools that we are developing to help others lead better lives based on our research and discovery.